
Business entrepreneurとsocial entrepreneur



そんな時、皆ご存じのビル・ドレイトンがMcKinseyのWhat Mattersに投稿したTipping the World - the power of collaborative entrepreneurshipを読んだ。ビジネス界での起業家と社会起業家の関係について、彼はこう対比させている:

  • Social entrepreneurs are even more powerful when they collaborate with one another and/or with their business peers. (ふんふんなるほど。同感)
  • Here is one of the few significant structural differences between the social and the business entrepreneur. The social entrepreneur has no interest in capturing a market and digging a moat. Instead, the goal is, indeed, to change the world.(これも同感。マーケット拡大は結果であって目的ではない)
  • The notion held by many scholars, foundation executives, and others that social entrepreneurs should behave like and be measured by the same yardsticks as business [is a mispercpetion]. Social entrepreneurs are trying to change the world, not capture a market, therefore the standard measures of organizational size and growth are inappropriate. (同感。)

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