
ジェフリーサックス氏の本"Common Wealth"を再読

今ジェフリーサックス氏のCommon Wealth - Economics for a Crowded Planetを読み返している。前回読んだ時には、あまり注意を払っていなかったが、Earth Instituteで、ミレニアム・ビレッジのチームとコペルニクについて意見交換して以来、もう一度読んでみようと思っていた。


Even when sustainable technologies have been discovered and developed, market forces alone may not guarantee their widespread adoption. We often need special incentives, in addition to market forces, to spur the adoption of sustainable technologies.

The central solution to ending extreme poverty is to empower the poor with improved technology... [but] the central problem is that the extreme poor are unable to purchase those very technologies on their own. ... The trap can be broken if public financing provides the poor with the technologies that they need but cannot afford. The technology raises their productivity; this increases their income, allows for savings and investment, and thus breaks the trap.



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